Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Research Proposal on Blood Donation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

On Blood Donation - Research Proposal Example an individual who is in need of a blood transfusion, approximately 41000 donations are required on a daily basis and there is need for there to be a blood reserve in case of an emergency (American Red Cross). Unfortunately, there are blood donation shortages leading to a blood shortage throughout the country. This proposal addresses the problem of blood donation shortages and how it can be addressed. There is lack of adequate research in existing literature dealing with the concept of blood donation. In fact, existing literature has not shown the need for further research as studies conducted mainly address the major reasons affecting individual’s willingness to donate blood. The research study needs to be conducted to address the reasons behind the blood shortages in the US and how they can be addressed. Although past studies have concentrated on some of factors affecting individuals’ motivation to donate blood, they have failed to concentrate on how incentives can positively influence their decision to donate blood (Hough 67). The study raises issues about offering economic incentives to encourage individuals to donate blood and some of the major reasons why individuals fail to donate blood. Various factors influence blood donation decisions including incentives, health concerns and the effects on the donor. Offering incentives is likely to have a positive impact on blood donation since it motivates individuals a higher number of individuals to donate blood. According to this theory, intentions are the major antecedents to behavior. Intention is the then paves the way for attitudes, perceived behavioral control and subjective norms. This model has been supported by a number of studies that have found that model accounts for 39 percent and 27 percent of the variance in intentions and behavior respectively. In the current study, the model can be used to explain the variance in blood donation between 31 percent and 72 percent and between 54 percent and 56

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